Becoming Real

Susy Lundy
2 min readMay 28, 2020



I’m your reminder that it’s very likely that one day, you will be as old as I am. Not that I’m as old as all that, mind you. It only looks that way from where you stand. Becoming aged truly is not as sad as you might think. You become Real. Not that you are not already real, because of course you are, but like the Skin Horse, you become Real.

Getting older is kind of like climbing up a mountain on a trail. You go through some woods, some rough patches, too many tree roots. You sweat, you stop to rest, drink some water, and then you press on. Sometimes your path joins with someone else’s and you walk together for a time. It might rain, and at times you worry that you aren’t nearly strong enough to keep climbing. Friends will be there to help you over those hard parts. All you have to do is reach out and you will find the help you need. Before you know it, there you are, almost at the summit.

I’ve never yet been to the top. I imagine that the breeze is fresher up there, the sun is brighter, everything is clearer, though farther away. I hope there will be a bench to rest in the shade. Eventually I’ll get all the way up there, and when I do, my journey will be done. My consolation prize will be the magnificent view.

But not yet.

Not yet.

I’m still enjoying the challenge of the hike, enjoying the sights, not hoping for the destination.



Susy Lundy

An artist and illustrator for a frightfully long time, I come from a long line of creative types and history geeks. For fun I do art, puppetry, and time travel.